Hypo Annual Report
Making complex business results of one of the most important banks in Vorarlberg approachable
The Bregenz-based Hypo Landesbank Vorarlberg is one of the most important financial institutions in Vorarlberg with more than 100 years of experience. It is a strong bank for the region – a landscape with sharp contours and people with honest values, well-kept tradition, healthy economy and wide-awake companies.
The concept the annual report highlights the role of the bank as a strong partner for its clients and set the focus on the bank’s attention to detail. At spitzar I was responsible for the art direction, the overall design and the final execution – what a wonderful challenge to make rough financial data understandable.
Design concept, art direction, graphic design, information graphics, print production
2011 – 2014 (4 editions)

spitzar strategy.communication
Concept, consulting
Marco Spitzar, Sergej Kreibich
Project management
Elena Wagner
Graphic design
Emanuel Jochum
Reinhard Fasching, Studio Fasching
Printing, binding
Vorarlberger Verlagsanstalt